
 スウェーデンの現国王であるCarl XVI Gustafは、実はDyslexia(難読症)なのだそうです。そんな話しを聞いたので検索したところ、Wikipediaにこんな記述を見つけました。

Dyslexia For many years, it was widely rumoured that the king had dyslexia. Journalists noted that he misspelled his name when signing his accession document, and in 1973, when visiting a copper mine in Falun, he misspelled his name when signing it on a rock wall. In an interview on Swedish television in 1997, however, the condition was admitted publicly when his wife addressed the issue. “When he was little, people did not pay attention to the problem,” she said. “He didn’t get the help he needed.” She also noted that the couple’s children have “a bit of” dyslexia themselves.

Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia より

 スウェーデンでは早くからDAISYなどのデジタル録音図書などを作成していましたが、このような事も背景にあったのでしょうか? ま、Wikipediaの記述を見るとなかなか認めなかったそうなので、他の要因が強いのでしょうね。